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Spoiler Alert for several MCU movies, including Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, and Doctor Strange.

In Avengers: Infinity War, one of the critical moments of the film involves Doctor Strange giving Thanos the Time Stone, later telling Tony, “It was the only way,” before dissolving with the other half of the universe. The consequence of Thanos obtaining all six infinity stones. One of which being the mind stone in Vision’s android head. It could have been destroyed before Thanos got the time stone. But the mind stone is what was giving Vision life so the team didn’t want to destroy it because it would destroy Vision as well. Shuri found a why to separate Vision from the stone. But didn’t get a chance to finish her task.

Because of the time loop shenanigans Strange played on Dormammu, many fans believe that Strange has locked Thanos in a time loop as well, or something similar. I wasn’t too keen on the idea, thinking Marvel wouldn’t play such a specific trick twice…that is until I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron again.

Just a recap for those who haven’t seen AoU in a while, or not at all, Tony and Bruce accidentally create a murder-bot, named Ultron, at the beginning of the movie by trying to make an advanced AI using Loki’s scepter (I don’t really know what they expecting from the god of mischief’s weapon). Later on they find themselves in a similar situation where they have a lifeless, pre-Vision laid before them and Tony suggests trying to breath life into him using the same technology they used that created Ultron.

Bruce is, understandably, against this. And he says something that I only found amusing until recently:
Bruce Banner in Avengers: Age of UltronBruce Banner in Avengers: Age of Ultron

I always thought it was odd for Bruce to say he’s feels stuck in a time-loop but, it got me thinking: in hindsight, this indeed where everything went wrong. Had they used a different method to create Vision, they wouldn’t have the double-edged sword situation they get in Infinity War. So…if is Doctor Strange sets the loop to go back to that exact moment, right when Bruce says, “I’m caught in a time-loop,” this statement would be literal. And super cool, if you ask me.

For the record, I don’t believe this is what they’re going to do, especially after seeing the Endgame trailer, but it would have been super awesome if they did.